Life as a movie


“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde

Life is hard and painful. Some people though seem to not be faced so much and some others, more rare, to enjoy every bit of it. Why is that? Because they focus on the “stars”. Life can be either a dull or a full and intense experience. Which one do you choose?

Forget false and stupid morals. Their only purpose is to keep you chained. Be smart about it. Don’t hurt others, physically or emotionally and don’t pressure anyone, especially yourself. Go with the flow of life, do what you feel and think is the best. You always know. And plan. Planning is always great to get a deeper sense of what you want. Love the chase and the process. Love life. And direct it, write the script with your plans and adjust with the conditions. Then live your movie. It is the greatest experience anyone can ask.

Live your movie intensely, with passion and intelligence. You don’t want to be stupid or dull. Be aware. Look at the stars and dream. Plan your dreams, live them and live through them forever.


Keep it cool


The most important and powerful attitude you can have is to maintain your composure no matter what happens around you. Composure is a measure of intelligence and emotional maturity.

Being cool means not to let your emotions cloud your vision, especially the distractive ones. Imagine two persons in a crisis. There is an armed robbery in action. The first one experiences terror as he sees the robbers threaten everyone with their guns. He sweats and has no idea what to do. The other one knows what is going on. It is a robbery, an armed one. But he also knows that by just worrying, he won’t be able to change anything. So, he keeps his head cool and undistracted and focuses on solutions.

The point is that there are always solutions and we can only find the (most) right one only by having our brain clear from distracting and loud emotions.

Emotional Pain


Scientific research comes to support the point that the emotional pain and torture can be as tough and intense as the physical. Imagine that. Sometimes the emotional pain can be like rats digging through your belly and coming out from you back. Like needles piercing your balls and spikes sticking to your head while staying alive. Usually you experience  emotional pain in the area of your heart, that’s why a break up or a death is associated with the heartbreak. You feel your heart like a burning liquid that is not burning your heart because it is your heart. There is no heart anymore. Your body is filled with intensely hot liquid, like lava. So hot that you can’t take it. You need some kind of relief immediately. Time stops. Everything stops. You can’t think and your breath can’t come in. The most scary part is that all of this is real.

Again, the good news are that the more intense the pain, the more transformative the experience. Love it and feel it to your core.

Idiot wind



What a lovely song. Thank you mr. Dylan. A song of intense pain and anger. Sometimes you need someone to feel you, you need some empathy and compassion. Friends are very important to help you and the first emotional support. There is a small problem though in a special situation. If they haven’t suffered as much as you, they can’t help you no matter how much they want to. At this point, you feel the need for stronger and more intense emotional empathy. And nobody feels his emotions more deeply than the artists, especially Bob Dylan. And especially in his album “Blood on tracks”. Inside there is idiot wind. And man, you can feel his pain. The lyrics are dropping tears and blood. It’s heavy. Every single word paints an emotional masterpiece in which you can let yourself get lost.

After pain comes release and joy. That’s what pain is for. Getting stronger and happier solving your problems. Experience it and use it.


Fuck it

words,cute,fuckit-7d5d0ddc55ee6942eec88b709f2e6022_hYou know, sometimes, these two words are the only ones playing in your head. Fuck it.

Anger, fear (or anxiety), sadness and shame. The most terrifying human emotions. The whole reality distorts and bends in their presence. At least for a little while. If it goes on for a long time then you really  have a problem. Panic attacks. Depression. Addiction. You don’t know how it will hit you. But you know it will. Like a heavy spiked thing that leaves huge scars and wounds. Not in your body. These emotions hurt your spirit and your soul. They don’t just hurt it, they fucking destroy it in the long run.

Feeling those emotions now and then is healthy. We should’t try to stop them. If they stick though, that’s something that needs action. Now. It gets harder to fix it as the time goes by. Get deep down inside and take control. You won’t just save yourself from misery and suffering. You will also improve the lives of the people around you. Emotions are more contagious than any disease. They transfer with eye contact. Your face and your expressions influence those around you. The more popular you are the bigger the impact. Don’t make everyone ill. Get well.

So, why “fuck it”?

Who knows…

Though, I have a theory. Saying “fuck it”, your body thinks you are angry. But you are very far from it. You can let go. And all us, humans, have a great difficulty to let go. Especially when we feel boiling emotions. And the “fuck it” contains most of them. Anger, sadness… That way we outsmart our personal system. And trust me, the world is so fucking chaotic that you will need to let go sometimes. And “fuck it” is a brilliant emotional healer. For a better world my loves.

The trick is to say it with no emotion. Be cool about it. Already let it go inside of you before you let the words outside your mouth.


Addiction. A disease like cancer. It is a problem with many faces and levels. From food addiction to drug addiction. One level may be easier than another but the process is the same. An addictive personality gets born out of habits and massive pleasure, to take control over you. You think this is you but you are being kept prisoner in your own mind. A addictive personality inside of you is getting stronger with each permission to your addictive pleasure.

Is pleasure bad? Of course not! Pleasure is healthy. Actions that lead to addiction are not. Actions that create the addictive personality. Actions that try to avoid the inevitable pain that comes with life sometimes, in order to bring a peak of pleasure temporarily and more pain afterwards.

Addictive personality. A prison just for us. A prison with us alone in it. Keeps people away and focuses only in the addiction subject. Once you it lures you in it is very hard to get out. But not impossible.

Cigarettes, sugar and junk food, porn, internet, smartphone, cocaine and other drugs, alcohol, gambling and many more. It is very easy to get relief from them. But harder to avoid them with each time.

Therapy from addiction is one of the toughest and most painful things a human can go through, physically, psychologically and mentally. The relief however is a huge reward. A sense of atonement and power.

And guess what the strongest and perhaps the only therapy is. Human relationships.

They say love is the strongest force out there.

What’s the point?

Here’s to the ambitious ones…

First Act

We get born. We live our first years in an automatic mode. Our basic needs motivate us. We want to eat (everything), to pee, to explore, to sleep. And that’s it. We don’t care about change or anything else.

Second Act

Education is giving us now a glimpse at thinking, from the lower to the higher levels. A sense of independence and of capability for change is born. However, societal rules are deep and powerful. So, the desire, if any, for progress and development gets covered with dust and mold. That’s the era where our personal needs come into play stronger than before. We want to develop ourselves in every area. We make dreams and demand perfection. We want the best gadgets, the best social life and the best body we can get. Our obsession is money because it gives us choices and power.

Third Act

We have achieved some of our goals and dreams. But something is missing. We still as incomplete as before. And maybe more. It feels weird and confusing. Some ideas come back in our minds. It feels like the solution, like atonement. What are those? It is to change the world, to look ever further, far away. For something so compelling and progressive that the world will remember your name for ages. And make sure it’s a good reason. Few make this realization and ever fewer follow through. But those fewer are growing in number. The world is becoming more interactive and more dynamic.

So, what’s the point?

The point to move forward and live passionate for growth and progress is that you are being given a membership for immortality. Not because your name will be remembered like Gandhi’s (maybe it will) but because your contribution is getting imprinted into the world. It stays in history and affects the future. That’s the point.

Hell Underneath


Pressure from all over. So many blows at once that come from all over. Sometimes you just don’t know where to look. It is overwhelming and confusing. Like going through hell blindfolded. The questions are: why and is it necessary? It is real, that’s for sure.

Let’s see the why part first. The answer is progress. There is no solution without a problem and no progress without resistance and fight. If we agree that progress is essential due to the fact that stagnation means death, then we see why we need pressure and fight.

Is it necessary? Well, we have two options. The one is to stay immobilized and the other is to fight. The former will lead to a painful death of the spirit and mind while the latter will help you develop character and create circumstances. It is basically your choice which stance to follow. Passive or active.

A love left behind

seaHe is on the ship now, traveling away. He left a girl behind. A sweet and sexy girl. A complicated relationship. An amazing affair right out from movies. Two rebels in their own way, shared moments of passion, anger, love, hatred and affection.

Now he is thinking about her, her desirable body and unconventional spirit while he is gazing at the wild waves beneath him. The dark, dangerous sea is the perfect representation of woman. Peaceful and beautiful most of the time but always mysterious and dangerous, ready and willing to destroy you, depending on her mood.

But we love the sea and we love our women no matter the bad weather.




Fights will never end. They are nature’s game. Whether it is work, education, relationships, health, the core of the game is the same. But that fighting gets you weary. You feel you can’t fight anymore and that you need rest, that you need distraction. The tendency to turn your back on your problems and to not face them is always there. Pleasures are welcomed. But is there greatest pleasure than reaching a goal, fulfilling a vision or solving a problem?

Life sometimes will be harsh and unfair. If you stand her tests you have succeeded. Just like Jake stay on your feet and get the pleasure from saying ” You never got me down Ray”.

Just remember that from each fight the experiences are invaluable. You grow from them and develop your personality.